2009 was a wonderful year for us and the last couple of months were especially exciting (and busy) - from a family wedding to Carter's 2nd birthday to (finally) finishing the basement to all of the holiday celebrations, we were blessed in so many ways this year! I've posted some pictures to highlight the fun we had towards the end of the year, beginning around Halloween. Enjoy!!
Happy Halloween -- yeehaw cowboys!!
Enjoying an unseasonably warm November afternoon at my grandparents farm in New Richmond - 11/08 Carter helping his Great Grandma Maloney and Grandma Mary pick apples at the farm - 11/08 Carter's first naptime in his big boy bed: he unpacked all of his pants from his dresser and threw them into the hallway -- not off to the best start :) - 11/16
Some of the Opitz women at Jillian and Erik's rehearsal dinner - 11/27
Here comes the ring bearer -- what a stud with his hand in his pocket! - 11/28 The Casey family with the soon-to-be Mr. & Mrs. Haugen - 11/28 My beautiful sister-in-law and I - 11/28 Carter's 2nd birthday! We had dinner at El Toro that night and then opened gifts - he loved his new train set - 12/03 The cake I made for Carter's 2nd bday party - 12/05 Picking out the perfect Christmas tree - 12/06 Carter's first set of stitches after smacking his chin on the coffee table while jumping around with me in the living room - he handled it like a pro!! - 12/20
Enjoying the first several inches of snow from this year's Christmas snowstorm! - 12/24 Such a good helper! - 12/24 Kyle and Carter had such fun jumping in the snow! - 12/24 My little snowbunny ;) - 12/24 The kids were in awe of Santa - especially Carter (check out the look on his face)! - 12/24 All the kids with Santa - Isabelle, Owen, Gavin & Carter - 12/24 Our perfect Christmas Tree on Christmas Day morning - no one could believe it was real! - 12/25 Nothing like waking-up to A LOT of fresh snow on Christmas morning - our backyard looking especially magical and peaceful! - 12/25 Christmas morning pancakes - yum! - 12/25 Sporting nothing but a diaper and his new Santa "skidder" socks - oh, and his stocking full of candy of course - 12/25 Kyle, Carter and I spent another fun morning in the snow on Christmas Day. While Carter was more interested in shoveling, Kyle and I reverted to our youth and built this snowman in our front yard - we felt like kids again! :) - 12/25 Our insanely delicious Christmas Day meal was this TurDucEn (Turkey, Duck and Chicken with 3 kinds of dressing/stuffing) - so delicious! Thanks to my parents for bringing it and Brine's for making it! - 12/25 Carter and his cousin Kieran sporting their new PJs from Auntie Maggie - and striking a very odd pose! And can you believe the height difference between these boys, especially considering they are only 5 weeks apart! - 12/25
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