With Kyle out of town for work on Friday night, Carter and I planned a fun night-in with some friends at the Goodman's house in Richfield. Michelle graciously hosted myself and a few other college girlfriends for dinner, wine and catching-up.
Carter and I arrived in the late afternoon so he and Clara (Ben and Michelle's daughter, who just turned 13-months-old) would have ample playtime before their bedtimes. The playdate started out a little rough with Carter bullying Clara and having to spend a few minutes in "time-out". Luckily they played very well together after that! I hadn't seen Clara in over a month, so it was great to get the kids together again and see them interact. Clara is walking all over now and has such a fun-loving personality! We are looking very forward to the summer months when Michelle is done teaching so she, Clara, Carter and I can have playdates during the week.
We had to cut the night a little short because Carter had no interest in sleeping in the pack-n-play at their house, but it was so much fun having a casual night in with the college girls! Thanks for a great night ladies -- and let's try to do that more often!!
6 years ago
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